Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Orientation Speech free essay sample

The college was founded by the DAV College Managing Committee on July 26, 1948 in the sacred memory of Mahatma Hans Raj, a pioneer in the field of education The founding Principal of the college, the late Dr. G. L. Dutta (1898- 1982), wholly identified himself with the DAV ideals and made every effort to carve a place for the college among leading progressive educational institution. For his successor, Shri Shanti Narayan (1911-1989), the college was a valuable instrument to serve the society. Under his stewardship, the college grew rapidly, in terms of both academic performance of students and infrastructure. The later Principals, Padamabhushan Shri G. P. Chopraji (1970 – 1984) presently President of DAV Trust, Dr. N. K. Uberoi (1984 – 1991), Shri J. K. Kapur ( 1992 – 2003), Dr. S. R. Arora ( 2003 – 2009) all worked relentlessly to uphold the glorious traditions of DAV. The present officiating Principal, Dr. V. K. Kawatra (2009 onwards) is equally committed to lead the college on the well – crafted roadmap of the college inherited from its predecessors. When over DAV Trust set up this prestigious institution they set their eyes on values that were beyond academics. They had in mind the grooming of students to face life’s challenges in totality. They put across the message to the society that education has a much more comprehensive meaning that was literacy. Education must provide the foundation of basic value system for all the Knowledge Skill one may acquire over a period of time. So we have to inculcate the element of purpose in Today we are overwhelmed confused by the turbulence of educational institution. globalization. On one had we don’t wish to be left behind in the race for Knowledge acquisition and an the other we crave to go ack to our roots to the education that lies in our heritage ehos. Now lets see how institution in the land of the Vedas living in the 21st century can strike a harmonious balance between the conflicting ideas. The Curriculum of the College is a perfectly balanced blend of academic and vocational orientation. The results of the college, have always been commendable speaking volume, about the devoti on and dedication of its teachers. In the year 2009-10, 85 students secured top 3 position while 90 students were awarded the science Meritorious Scholarships while 11 were awarded the University Gold Medal in different subjects. The achievements of our students, academics a well as all other activities make us feel proud that we belong to this great institute. We learn to read write all subjects like Science, Mathematics, History, Economics and Commerce. Unfortunately the most fundamental of knowledge has not been taught, how to manage one’s own mind and emotions to develop and enjoy the fullest of what human life can offer. No other knowledge is more valuable in determining the quality of one’s life. The motto of the college â€Å"Tamsoma Jyoter Gamaya’’ rightly sums up the ideals of this college. It stands for all round development of an individual within the formal system of education. The eagle is the symbol for quiet power and scope we must open our lenses, like the eagle, to see the forest and the trees, and to spot opportunities to create synergy by joining individual parts of our lives to make a greater more dynamic whole person – a person who understands the meaning of team and time. But for true champions, a loss is a learning experience, and failure, like fertilizer, makes things grow faster in the future. Overtime, good seeds planted in good soil yield healthy fruit. In 21st Century, independence will be replaced by interdependence. You are far greater than have ever dreamed of being (Potency). And no matter, what you are experiencing in your life right now, trust me that all is good and unfolding in your best interests. It may not look pretty, but it is exactly what you need to learn for you to grow into the person you have been destined to became Everything occurring in your life has been perfectly orchestrated to inspire your maximal evolution as a human being and bring you into your true power, learn from life and allow it to take you where you are meant to go it has your highest interests in mind. We believe †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. that every bud has a right to bloom †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. That for a bud to bloom, all one requires is the right environment, where it can get the right inputs, in the right ways, with care nurturing by the right people. This is the mantra of the success of Hans Raj College. We should not only carry forward the legacy, but take the college to higher strides. Let’s all unite to achieve its ultimate goal i. e to became the No. 1 college of India. But there is no short cut to success and no substitute of hardwork. I am blessed to be surrounded by many extra ordinary people like you my colleagues in my life. Without them, it would not be possible for me to do what I do and to advance my mission of helping students young minds (future builders of nation) live their highest lives. All of you have helped me in the shaping of my ideas, encouraged me to dream big dreams, and aided in the spread of my message to educate people, I am deeply grateful to all students who brings so much wonder to my life and I love you more than words can say. The college campus with a hostel for 200 students, offers a friendly interaction ground to students from various states of the country as well as foreign students. The strong interpersonal relationship between the students and teachers helps in delivering and deriving the benefits of a holistic educational system. The college has among its alumni includes a galaxy of Educationists.

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