Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Personal Experience - 1640 Words

Personal Experience I have had the great opportunity to be apart of a great program and class at college. Most of us who are going to become teachers know about this class and the required 80 hours of volunteering at a middle school for a semester. I was eager to volunteer, because I have experience in working with middle school kids. The school I work for, has prepared me to handle school aged kids, so I was relying on my background to carry me though the semester at a new Middle school. The privileges of a private school are a lot different from an inner city school. When I began to volunteer at Baker I was shocked to discover that the students were not allowed to take books home to finish their school†¦show more content†¦Hanson. Mr. Hanson is a teacher in the special education department at Baker. Mr. Hanson explained to me that these students are in the special education classes so they can gain the skills to eventually re-enter the normal public school classes. Mr. Hanson explained to the students who I was, why I was here, and how long I was staying. The class I could see wasn’t very enthusiastic about my added presence in their classroom. I debated on the technique I would use to gain their trust and respect. Imagine a frozen lake and every step you take is a risk, because you are not sure if the ice is going to hold or crack and break right under you. This is exactly how I felt the first week of my volunteering at Baker. I will be honest; my first week wasn’t the greatest, because I was learning the ropes of the special education department. These kids in the special education program not only have to deal with their ADD, and other diagnosis, but they also have to deal with poverty. I was told by Mr. Hanson that most of the students in the special education department never graduate, because education is not an important factor in their life. Most of their parents/parent want the kids to be home helping to either take care of younger siblings while working or to help out at home. As the weeks progressed, I found the job more enjoyable, because once the students felt comfortable with a new element in their classroomShow MoreRelatedPersonal Experience : My Experience920 Words   |  4 PagesMy Personal Experience Whatever experience, we have either good, bad or ugly; our experience reflects on our behavior or action. In life everybody has their own experience; as Lewis N. Roe said â€Å"personal experiences are probably the most convincing reason to believe for any individual who has had them†. My personal experience is the 1st hand experience that belongs to my private events that have taken place in my life. 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