Monday, December 30, 2019

The Rise of Homelessness and What Can Be Done - 2404 Words

â€Å"Homelessness is a symptom of systemic poverty† ( ). As one of our countrys major social problems, homelessness is often in the news ( ). Many seek shelters for the first time. The Homeless Coalition of Greater Kansas City reports that on any given night as many as 3,000 adults are homeless and more than 7,500 children are homeless on these Kansas City streets. Since 2011 more than 7% people who live in the state of Kansas City has become homeless. We are not actually sure why this rate has risen over the last 2 years. Maybe because of a bad economy and loses of jobs. The most common people who are counted as being homeless are: Victims of Domestic Violence, after deciding to leave an†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"That’s often an indication of a turning point,† he said. â€Å"Some people turn earlier, some people turn later. It looks like there might be more people who are still really hurting than are doing better. Hopefully, as the economy continues to improve, more people will do better.† ( Also, because of local and government programs funded to help and provide assistance to the poor or homeless in Kansas City, MO .Community LINC is a non-profit organization that provides eligible homeless families transitional housing. They have been helping the Kansas City families metro become stronger, self-sufficient, and hopeful for more than 20 years ( Community LINC served over 420 individuals and 134 families by providing transitional shelters and outreach programming to stabilize the children and their parents. LINC has helped more than 202 families in need. About 72 adults, 131 children. They provide individuals and families with a average of 27,104 bed day and nights. Also an average length of stay at their transitional were 7 months before a person or family exits. This program has many different outcomes from Empl oyment Services, helping people place over 4,022 applications, getting 212 of those interviews and 42 actually getting hired with the help of Community LINC. They also provide Emotional Wellness, giving life styles classes to over 45 people andShow MoreRelatedSocial Problems Within The Australian Society1215 Words   |  5 PagesA Social Analysis – Homelessness There are a growing number of social problems existing within the Australian society and unfortunately, research does not need to prove this. All it takes is a stroll down the main street of some suburbs to realise the extent of social problems within society. Homelessness is a rising trend that is affecting people of all demographics. 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As this condition becomes a growing problem in Canada people are forced to deal with the issues. Who are the homeless? They range from children to adults and even in some cases, families. Why are they homeless? Poverty, lack of jobs or well paying jobs, decline in Social Services, domestic violence, mental illness, and chemical dependency contribute to the majority of the homeless within our society. What effects doesRead MoreThe Homelessness And Substance Abuse1436 Words   |  6 PagesRunning head: DIVERSITY​1 Diversity: Homelessness and substance abuse Centell Brown Kelley Peterson SW- 751 Perspectives/Chemical Dependency Professor R. Chaisson, PhD., LCSW, BACS Southern University at New Orleans December 10, 2014 Abstract ​Homelessness and substance abuse are often two problems that continue to be linked together. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (2011), research conducted in the past five years indicates thatRead MoreYouth Among The Homeless Essay1118 Words   |  5 Pages Homelessness is all around the world, and many people have either dealt with the issue or had first-hand experience with it. Thus causes everyone to think about the possible solutions to such an important social and economic problem. Whether or not anyone wants to support or ignore the issue, it will always be there. However, the youth population is on the rise among the homeless. While the exact number of youth among the homeless is hard to determine, given various information about homelessnessRead MoreEssay on Homelessness954 Words   |  4 Pages Homelessness nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Homelessness as an issue in todays society is largely ignored. To many, the problem of homelessness is invisible or barely noticed. When these people do see the homeless it is found in the form of beggars who need to â€Å"pull themselves up by their bootstraps† or mentally ill people who â€Å"just cant help themselves†. In either case the central point remains; the homeless must be people who are incapable or unwilling to help themselves. After all, wouldntRead MoreDomestic Violence: A Cause of Homelessness in Women Essay970 Words   |  4 Pages As soon as we moved into this house, you think you can have your way. You are my wife and I tell you what you can do and what you cant do. This kind of statement is typical of what a battered woman knows to be the only truth in her household. Domestic violence is greatly on the rise and is one of the leading causes of homelessness among women in todays society. Rather than approach domestic violence as a direct cause of homelessness, one might hope to understand how such violence could help

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Mindfulness Practice On Substance Abuse Recovery - 3566 Words

Chicago State University # of words College of Pharmacy 9501 S King Dr. Chicago, IL 60628 (773) 995- 2000 Mindfulness Practice in Substance Abuse Recovery By: Nicole Latimore Nidhi Patel Lauren Pestka Yaritza Lopez Abstract: Objective ---Mindfulness is known as the ability to maintain a continuous awareness of environment, feelings, sensations, and thoughts. This practice focuses on the acceptance of what is happening around and within ourselves by being conscious of our feelings and thoughts. The significance of feelings and thoughts, especially negativity, has shown to impact a patient s treatment by ultimately relapsing into the use of substance of abuse. Mindfulness has been studied for over 30 years, however there is not an abundant amount of clinical evidence to support the use of mindfulness training in substance abuse recovery. The goal of this manuscript is to compile information from clinical trials about the benefits, efficacy, and use of the practice of mindfulness in substance abuse recovery. Methods --- Definitions, statistical analysis, and studies of clinical trials are tools used to evaluate the efficacy of mindfulness in the recovery of substance abuse. Results--- Patients were able to abstain more frequently from addictive substances through resistance, which was due to the acceptance of negativity of thoughts, coping with cravings, as well as less or manageable stress. Conclusions ---Mindfulness appears to positivelyShow MoreRelatedEssay on Addiction: Suffering, acceptance, and change1644 Words   |  7 Pagesaddiction recovery utilize a dialectical model to examine the change process. Third wave behavioral therapies such as Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), along with mindfulness meditation (MM), and the 12 Step Recovery model of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) use a dialectic based on acceptance of what is and change to what can be. These modern methods make use of the practices of Buddhism that may be effective treatments for addiction recovery. Moreover,Read MoreResearch Assignment . 15. Alyssa Swartz. May 2, 2017. Criminal3997 Words   |  16 Pagesto completely free their minds. Mediation will strengthen the user’s self-efficacy by increasing calmness and physical relaxation. Mediation will improve psychological balance, coping with illness, and enhancing overall health and well-being. The p ractices of mind and body focus the interactions among the brain, body, behavior, and spiritual energy. Part II Body of the paper Psychologist Albert Bandura defined self-efficacy  as being one s belief in one s ability to be successful in specific circumstancesRead MoreThe Opioid Crisis And Communities Nationwide3993 Words   |  16 Pagesto completely free their minds. Mediation will strengthen the user’s self-efficacy by increasing calmness and physical relaxation. Mediation will improve psychological balance, coping with illness, and enhancing overall health and well-being. The practices of mind and body focus the interactions among the brain, body, behavior, and spiritual energy. Part II Body of the paper Psychologist Albert Bandura defined self-efficacy  as being one s belief in one s ability to be successful in specific circumstancesRead MoreSubstance Abuse Is A National Public Health Burden Essay1141 Words   |  5 PagesSubstance abuse is a national public health burden that has significantly increased the rate of disability and mortality worldwide (Azizi, Borjali, Golzari; 2010; Wheeler, 2014; Wu, 2010). In fact, the most recent Global Burden of Disease Report estimated that almost twelve million people, who abused drugs, had moderate to severe disability (Wu, 2010). With regard to physical health, legal issues, social relationships, and occupational functioning, substance abuse affects all aspects of the individualRead MoreMotivational Interviews : Motivational Interviewing2027 Words   |  9 PagesMotivational interviewing is a practice wherein conveying acceptance of your client, you become an aid in the process of change. Motivational interviewing fosters Carl Rogers optimistic and humanistic theories; around ones competences for employing free choice and shifting through a course of self-actualization. The therapeutic relationship for both Motivational Interviewers and Rogerians’ is a democratic partnership. The concept of Motivational Interviewing (MI) progressed from the experienceRead MoreSubstance Abuse : Alcoholics Anonymous, Smart Recovery1528 Words   |  7 Pagesadditions or substance abuse are designed to assist participants in their stages of change, learn about recovery, provide information to families to understand behaviors, and to assist participants with resources and skills (U.S Department of Health and Human Services, n.d). Psychoeducational groups will support participants and encourage them to take responsibility for their actions. These groups will utilize different methods to replace addictive behavior and practice mindfulness to work on anyRead MoreAlcohol And Addiction By Hamish Todd1640 Words   |  7 Pagesdru nk any more, not in the way I remembered. I only fell down, got drunk quick and mentally goofy. When I was 48, I quit. I’ve had a couple relapses, but now count 133 days free of liquor. I checked myself into Sundown M. Ranch, a 12-Step based recovery center in Selah, Washington. I was there two weeks, got out and promptly relapsed. I was drunk for two weeks, before I sobered up long enough to remember I was supposed to go to outpatient. I volunteered myself, thank you Obamacare, into outpatientRead MoreDr. X And Its Effects On Society1621 Words   |  7 Pagesher husband and family. They are like her second set of eyes. Recovery Model SAMHSA has established a working definition of recovery that defines recovery as a process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live self-directed lives, and strive to reach their full potential. Recovery is built on access to evidence-based clinical treatment and recovery support services for all populations. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is the agencyRead MoreBehavior Therapy Is A Psychological Approach1241 Words   |  5 Pagesjust to name a few Substance abuse, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, and Anxiety disorders. The goal of behavior therapy are to increase personal choice and to generate new conditioned. By awarded good behavior and changing negative behavior. However, Cognitive therapy focuses primarily on the emotional state and thoughts that lead to certain behaviors, while behavioral therapy deals with changing and eliminating those unwanted behaviors. However, some therapists practice a type of psychotherapyRead MoreThe Group Rules And Norms978 Words   |  4 Pagesmediation techniques, which include trigger points, mindfulness, and deep breathing techniques. Nutrition: Foods and substances that cause stress, anxiety, and depression: Clients will learn about pseudostressors hidden in foods and legal drugs that cause anxiety, depression, and contribute to negative mental health symptoms. Will distribute handouts with lists of pseudostressors . Holistic: Benefits of exercise, nutrition, and meditation/mindfulness. Clients will learn about the benefits of exercise

Friday, December 13, 2019

Kohlberg and piaget’s moral development Free Essays

Elizabeth, a seven year old child, was forbidden by her mother to play inside the house or else she’ll tie her up side down.   One day, her little friends invited her to play a â€Å"chasing† game.   Ã‚  Because she was not to play inside the house, she told her friends to play outside the house. We will write a custom essay sample on Kohlberg and piaget’s moral development or any similar topic only for you Order Now    They got bored with the game and decided to change it into hide and seek.   Elizabeth, a very competitive child, doesn’t want to be caught by anyone.   She decided to hide inside the house keeping in mind to be as careful as possible. But unfortunately for her, her friend Aspen, who was the seeker, saw her enter the house and followed her.   Elizabeth got nervous when she saw Aspen.  Ã‚   In the instant that Aspen entered the house, Elizabeth quickly ran towards the door but she was caught by Aspen.   They grab each other so that one of them might reach the base first.   But as they grab each other they bump into vase stand.   The vase fell and breaks. Her mother caught them.   Elizabeth told her mother that it’s not her fault and include Aspen as well. Commonly, children exhibits a pre-conventional level of way of thinking, that is,   they enter the first and second stage of Kohlberg’s six stages of moral development   (Nucci, 2002).   In stage 1, children conceived an action to be right or wrong according to the punishment their parents give them.   In stage 2, the concept developed by a child is like â€Å"you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours†.   For Piaget, children are more worried about the results and consequences of what they have done rather than the true reason underlying their action (Nucci, 2002). Applying these theories to Elizabeth’ situation, she would think of horrible situations like her mother’s going to tie her up side down.   Maybe she’ll also think of different scenarios like she’ll not allow her to play ever again.   Another thing, she’ll make sure that Aspen will take her punishment too – this is to include the â€Å"you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours†.  Ã‚   Obviously, the child’s age is appropriate to the stage since Elizabeth is exhibiting both the characteristics that Piaget and Kohlberg described. Reference Nucci, L. (2002, February 15).   Studies in Moral Development and Education: An Overview. Retrieved September 23, 2007, from How to cite Kohlberg and piaget’s moral development, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Christopher Fisher Principles Of Australian -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Christopher Fisher Principles Of Australian? Answer: Introducation The current situation is based on the determination of the capital gains derived from the sale of capital asset in the form of real estate or shares and they usually make capital gains or losses. The capital gains represent the difference between cost of acquisition of the asset and the amount received from the disposition of the asset[1]. An individual is required to include the capital gains or losses in their assessable income at the time of filing taxable return and pay the tax on the capital gains. Even though it denoted as the capital gains taxation-law but eventually forms the part of the income tax[2]. However, on the event of suffering capital loss an individual taxpayer is not allowed to set-off against other income but the same be used to reduce the capital gains. As evident from the current situation, it is found that Duncan incurred a capital gain from the sale of town house in Malvern. However, Duncan also reported a capital loss from the town house. As evident capital gains derived from the sale of house can be offset from the capital loss bought forward by Duncan[3]. In the following circumstances it is noticed that Duncan held a shares in Westpac Bank. Additionally, the shares were acquired in 18/6/95 and the same were sold in the year 2017 for a sales proceeds of 22,369. According to the Australian taxation office shares in a company or units trust are treated in the identical manner as any other asset for the purpose of the capital gains tax[4]. For an investor, capital gains tax is application on the capital gains that is derived from the shares or unit when the capital gains tax event takes place. Similarly, in the present context it is found shares from Westpac Bank yielded profit however the capital loss bought forward from the sale of BHP shares can be offset against the gains derived from the Westpac. As defined under section 118-5 of the ITAA 1997 which brings forward that an individual can disregard the capital gains or capital loss that is made from the car, motor vehicle or any similar form of vehicle[5]. A car can be regarded as the capital gains tax asset under division 108. A car might be considered as the collectable in terms of the subsection 108-10 (2) given that the car is regarded an antique. A car might be considered as the private usage asset under the subsection 108-20 (2) given the asset is used or reserved mostly for their private usage or enjoyment. In either of the situation, the car will be considered for the purpose of the section 118-5 and any form of capital gains or capital loss is not considered under that section[6]. In the present case of Duncan, it is found that ultra-flight aircraft is an asset under section 108-10 (2). However, the loss derived from the sale of will be included the assessable income of Duncan. Additionally, sale of painting is a Pre-CGT asset and the proceeds derived from the sale of painting cannot be included in the assessable income since it is regarded as the Pre-CGT asset and it is disallowed from being included. The total accounting of indexed capital gains derived from the sales proceeds for Duncan represents 9477.18 and total amount of capital gains tax payable for the year ended stood 591. Computations of Capital Gains / Loss for Duncan For the Assessment Year of 2017 Particulars Amount ($) Amount ($) Town House In Malvern Sales Considerations 895000 Purchase Price 836000 Gross Income 59000 Less: Capital Loss 25000 Long term Capital Gains 34000 Shares in Westpac Bank Sales Considerations of Shares 22369 Less: Index cost of Acquisition (15200 x 123.4/116.2) 16141.82 Gross Income 6227.17 Less: Capital Loss from sale of BHP Shares 12000 Long term Capital Loss -5772.82 Shares In Woolworth Sales Considerations 6750 Purchase Price 17000 Long term Capital Loss -10250 Ultra-Light aircraft Sales Considerations 13500 Purchase Price 15000 Add: Capital Loss from Sale of Caravan 3500 Long term Capital Loss -5000 Gross Total Capital Gains 33477.18 Less: Capital Gains 3500 Indexed Capital Gains 9477.18 Tax payable under old regime (marginal tax rate x indexation factor x capital gain) 591 Assumptions The current issue is based on the ascertaining the assessable proceeds and tax payable of Christopher for the year ended 2017. As apparent from the existing case study, it is noticed that gross salary derived by Christopher will be taken into the considerations for tax assessment under section 6-5 of the ITAA 1997[7]. As defined under the Taxation Ruling of 97/23 there are circumstances where outlay that is sustained by the taxpayer related to repairs will be accounted as permissible deductions under section 25-10 of the ITAA 1997. An individual incurring expense on repairs and maintenance of the premises that an individual use to generate income will be considered for allowable deductions as long as the expenditure are not capital in nature. As evident from the current situation of Christopher he incurred an expense of $1000 for repairs for which he can an immediate deduction. Additionally, Christopher reported an interest on borrowed money to purchase the income producing property. With reference to section 8-1 of the ITAA 1997 an expenditures occurred in gaining or generating the taxable revenue can be considered as allowable deductions[8]. The payment of interest will be considered for allowable deductions since it has been incurred for the purpose of producing income. As defined under section 25-10 expenditure incurred for repairs of capital nature is not deductible. As held in the case of Hallstroms Pty Ltd v. FC of T(1946)expenditure incurred on replacing or enlarging the profit generating structure instead of working or operating expenditure then such expenses are not allowed as for deductions.[9] It was noticed that the taxpayer had incurred an expenditure of $11,000 on replacing tin roof on rental property with tiled roof represents a capital expenditure and a deduction for the same cannot be claimed. As stated by the Australian Taxation Office claims relating to medical expenditure offset is restricted the net eligible expenditure incurred. The total medical expenditure that is incurred by the taxpayer will be subtracted from the refunds that is received from Medicare. Therefore, in the present situation it is found that Mary incurred a medical expense and the same can be claimed for deductions by subtracting the refund of the medical expenses. Subsection 51 (1) of the ITAA 1936 defines that a deduction can be claimed for work related expenditure up to the extent of gaining taxable income. As held in the case of Ronpibon Tin NL v. FC of T (1949) For an expense to meet the test of deductibility there should be connection among the expenditure and taxable earnings so that the expenses incurred is subsidiary and relevant in gaining taxable income. As evident in the current situation, it is found that Christopher incurred an expenditure on calculator and expenses incurred on Ipad will be allowed as allowable deductions. The taxation ruling of TR 93/30 provides a comprehensive explanation of the treatment for home office expenditure[10]. Cost that is associated with the employee home are generally considered as the private expenditure or having a domestic nature. As held in the case of Thomas v. FC of T (1972-73) a deduction will be considered as allowable up to the proportion of the expenditure that is associated with the employee home[11]. Similarly, in the current instance it is noticed that Christopher incurred home office expenditure and an allowable deduction for the same can be claimed since it was incurred for the purpose of income producing activities. From the current situation of Christopher, it is found that he derived a rental income of $18,250 and according to the definition of section 6-5 of the ITAA 1997 rental income gained by the taxpayer will be taken into the considerations in the taxable earnings of the taxpayer. For that reason, the rental income derived by Christopher will be incorporated in the taxable income and the same will be assessable. An Australia resident for taxation purpose will be considered for taxation purpose for their worldwide income and hence they are required to declare such income in their taxable return[12]. The foreign income comprises of the overseas investment income in the form of dividends and such income will be considered for taxation purpose in the sourced country however it will be potentially subjected to double taxation. In order to overcome the circumstances of double taxation and exemptions can be claimed by the taxpayer. Similarly, Christopher can claim a foreign income tax offset relating to bank interest derived from the New Zealand. Computation of Taxable Income of Christopher For the year ended 2017 Particulars Amount ($) Amount ($) Assessable Income Gross Salary 95141 Less: PayG 22750 Net Salary Received 72391 Australian sourced Rental Income Rent Received 18250 Australian Sourced Interest Income Bank Interest from ING Bank 4581 Bank Interest from BNZ Bank 469 5050 Australian Sourced Dividend Income Fully Franked (Net) 2723.04 Gross up for Franking Credits 1058.96 3782 Income from private consulting 5935 Total Assessable Income 105408 Allowable Deductions Interest on borrowings of property 18000 Rental Property Repairs 3000 Medical Expenses for Christopher and his wife 7500 Less: Refund of medical expense 2000 5500 Maintaining Helen Mother Expense 5200 Donation to Salvation Army 100 Purchase of Sun hat 45 Purchase of calculator for work purpose 285 Purchase of Ipad (80% work related) 740 Home Office Expenses 1468 Total Allowable Deductions 34338 Total Taxable Income 71070 Tax on Taxable Income 14644.75 Add: Medicare Levy 1421.4 Less: Franking Credits 1058.96 Less: Withholding of tax from New Zealand 46 Total Tax Payable 14961.19 Reference List: Barkoczy, Stephen et al,Foundations Student Tax Pack 3 2016(Oxford University Press Australia New Zealand, 2016) Coleman, Cynthia and Kerrie Sadiq,Principles Of Taxation Law 2013 Harris, Jason et al,Theory And Law In The Regulation Of Business Kenny, Paul, Michael Blissenden and Sylvia Villios,Australian Tax 2017 Kenny, Paul,Australian Tax 2013(LexisNexis Butterworths, 2013) Keyzer, Patrick, Christopher Goff and Asaf Fisher,Principles Of Australian Constitutional Law(LexisNexis Butterworths) Krever, Richard E,Australian Taxation Law Cases 2013(Thomson Reuters, 2013) Mangioni, Vince,Land Tax In Australia Morgan, Annette, Colleen Mortimer and Dale Pinto,A Practical Introduction To Australian Taxation Law(CCH Australia, 2013) Nethercott, Les, Ken Devos and Livia Gonzaga,Australian Taxation Study Manual Sadiq, Kerrie,Principles Of Taxation Law 2016(Law Book Co of Australasia, 2016) Woellner, R. H,Australian Taxation Law 2012(CCH Australia, 2013)